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  • Writer's pictureNicole Oneto

Signs: The Spiral

Updated: May 9

Do you ever see something and instantly know what it's trying to tell you? About three years ago I saw a hummingbird through one of my living room windows and I knew it was there to tell me everything was going to be okay, and they have come back to bring this message a few times since that moment. Recently I have been seeing a few different signs around, but I'm not sure what they mean, so we'll dive into what they might be trying to tell me, or what they might symbolize in my life. I learned a lot of new information, so instead of writing this in a list format, it'll become my first blog series. :)

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I just recently started seeing spirals sometimes, and learning about what they stand for. The meanings I have found definitely hit close to home for me, and now I actually wear a spiral pendant pretty often.

I did some reading on, which seemed like a good place to go, and here is what I learned.

There are several symbolic meanings for spirals, including infinite evolution/expansion, cosmic connection, balance, and higher consciousness. The idea of infinite evolution and expansion struck a chord with me the most at first, but I think all of these meanings are interconnected. I have always been interested in how I can grow and learn and be better than I was before and I think the spiral is the perfect depiction of this process of changing and broadening and advancement. The spiral, however, as it was pointed out to me in my reading, contains all parts of the journey, not just the growth. The light and the dark, the good and the bad, the pleasant and the horrifying are all accounted for in the spiral. The spiral contains every piece of your experience of being alive. In western philosophy, we tend to view the progression of life as a straight line, with a starting point and an ending point, and the entirety of life's journey represented by this single direct line from beginning to end. The spiral is a much better representation of how life really goes. As life goes on, the life line still extends, but it wraps around itself, showing the repeating cycles of life. In this model, all of your life experiences build upon themselves to grow who you are, as is true in real life. As your spiral grows and expands, so do you. And the feelings you have felt before, good and bad, often resurface again later.

Because the spiral contains all aspects of the human experience, it is a good reminder of the importance of balance. Even the structure of the spiral is symmetrical, especially the double spiral symbol. Much like yin and yang, the spiral represents the dualities of life and the balance between polar opposites.

Another intersesting way to view spirals, which I had not thought of until it was brought to my attention, is to look inward. This is very on-theme for the stage of life I'm in right now. You can follow the line of your spiral back into the center to reflect on the things you have been through, the things you have learned and the ways you have grown. The spiral is the complete journey of your life and can be explored in any direction.

Spirals also represent cosmic connection. The spiral mimics the shape of ripples in water which represent the connection and impact that our lives and our actions have on our immediate environment and our planet, and how the universe communicates back to you. I also like to imagine that the loose end of the spiral is a hand reaching out into the universe more and more as time goes on and a person grows; a soul searching for more. Seekerproject4se writes in an article for Medium that spirals also symbolize the infinite creative power of nature and the multimillion-year cycle of birth, death, and rebirth.

I will say, though, just as a bonus, that there was a thing on TikTok about a "fairy language" in which the spiral stands for the letter "E." I thought this meant something for me because at the time that I learned about this, I had my sights set on a guy whose name started with E. Things fell through with him, but it probably did still mean something for me and I have yet to uncover the meaning!


Seekerproject4se. “Harness the Meaning of the Spiral Symbol —.” Medium, 16 Apr. 2022, Accessed 9 May 2024.

“Spiritual Symbolism of a Spiral & Meaning (7 Spiritual Symbols in Life).”, 23 Feb. 2022,

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