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  • Writer's pictureNicole Oneto

Signs: Spades

Updated: Jul 30

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I knew there would be more to the Signs series, but I didn’t know what the next topic would be. I’ve been interested in the symbolism of spades, but it never sparked any inspiration until recently and I truly believe this to be divine guidance. I am at the precipice of major change and I think this sign was sent to me in perfect timing to encourage me to take the leap and live my life in ways I have never lived before, learn about myself in ways I never have before, and become a different version of myself. I have a feeling things are going to change very intensely, which is daunting, but the symbol of the spade is helping me feel more prepared and supported during the journey I am embarking on.

The spade has quite a few extremely interesting meanings and interpretations having to do with the self, many of which resonated very deeply with me. To start, the spade loosely resembles a handheld mirror, which invites us to reflect on who we are and look more deeply into our character and our beliefs. More obviously, a spade is also a gardening tool used for digging. The spade can be used as a call to action to dig deeper into who we are, even into the dark corners that are more difficult to face. Only when we dig into those deeper layers are we able to break through illusions, question the status quo, break patterns that no longer serve us, and examine our values and beliefs. Additionally, the spade resembles an arrow, which can symbolize our inner guidance and intuition. Once we have explored the deeper parts of who we are to understand and trust ourselves better, it can be easier to hear our intuition guiding us forward to our true purpose in life. All of this is very transformational and can be a rebirth of the self. We can unearth beliefs and interests we never knew we had which can help illuminate who we are becoming next, and when we can shed the old layers of who we have been, we can step into who we are meant to be in the present moment. These points struck a chord in me, and the timing of when this symbol has become prominent in my life feels too perfect not to be divinely guided. I am in the middle of taking some shaky steps along the path of expanding myself and my interests, changing the way I do things to align with who I am becoming, and not who I have been. I see the spade as an arrow pointing out from my heart and guiding my next steps, even if the ground is uneven and my legs shake. It is this sacred and intuitive knowing that is so important to get deep and quiet enough to hear and follow.

The shape of the spade itself actually has its own meaning and interpretation. The triangular shape of the top of the spade can be connected to the symbol for the earth element. The element of earth is often associated with ideas of grounding, stability, fertility, and growth.

One of the meanings of the spade symbol that sparked my interest, but was a tougher lead to follow is the representation of a leaf from the cosmic tree. I had to look into what this meant, but it was less clear and easy to find deeper information about. I dove into the symbolism of axis mundi, or the center of the world. This concept can be found in countless cultures all over the world. The axis mundi can be represented by a number of things, including a mountain, a tower or column, or even the body, but it is often symbolized by a tree. I prefer the tree symbolism personally because of the symmetry between the branches of the tree and its hidden roots. It could be interpreted that the roots connect to the underworld, the trunk is with us in the earthly realm, and the branches reach up into the heavens. I love this symbolic connection between the knowable world and all which we are not capable of understanding, as it is all part of the earthly experience. We can also call this symbol the Tree of Life, which is found in the Abrahamic religions. Returning to the symbolism of the spade, its shape somewhat resembles a leaf. By this interpretation, the spade may symbolize our individual connection to the collective whole of humanity. We are but a small leaf amongst a sea of other leaves, but all together we contribute to the larger organism of the earth and the universe. It is a reminder of our obligation to be mindful stewards of our planet and our global family, and that we are never alone and eternally connected.

The spade also has some more common meanings in society, both good and bad. Unfortunately, the term and symbol of the spade can be used derogatorily toward black people. The original phrase from which it derives dates back to ancient Greece and it wasn’t until the 1920s that this negative connotation came into the picture. However, on a more positive note, the spade is also an important symbol within the asexual community. The correlation here is much more direct, with the term “ace” being short for “asexual,” which leads to the ace of spades connection. The spade can be used as a general symbol for the asexual community as a whole, but the other playing card suits can also be used to signify variations within asexuality.

The original intention of this research and writing was to explore the spade as a stand-alone symbol, but the ace of spades playing card begs to be discussed, as it is overflowing with history, meaning, and superstition.

One thing that is special about the ace of spades is its duality of meaning. The ace of spades can stand for victory, success, high status, and protection, but it can also be an omen of death or danger. In poker, the ace of spades is considered the highest-ranking card, giving it its connotation of victory and success. However, there are circumstances in which the spade can be interpreted as a sign of misfortune, a warning of negative events to come, or even death. Due to the ace of spades’ connection with these dangerous situations, some people believe that carrying the card on their person can act as protection from these circumstances. The meaning of the spade symbol is extremely multifaceted and completely depends on the larger context in which it is found.

The most interesting thing I learned about the symbolism of the ace of spades card is its connection to the U.S. military. The ace of spades card has been associated with the U.S. military since World War I, when the 101st Airborne Division used playing card suits on men’s helmets to signify their regiments when gliding or if they were to get lost. This continued into World War II. The ace of spades exploded in significance in the U.S. military during the Vietnam War. USAmerican soldiers carried the ace of spades card with them, leaving them on the bodies of Viet Cong soldiers to signify that where USAmerican soldiers went, death would soon follow. This threatening omen meant more to the USAmericans than to the Viet Cong, as it boosted morale as our troops fought a losing war. This card became such an important symbol during the war, that full decks of only ace of spade cards were manufactured and sent to soldiers in Vietnam free of charge, as a “secret weapon.” Similarly, in 2003 during the Iraq War, playing card decks were issued to service members with the names and information of the most-wanted Iraqi officials under Saddam Hussein. The deck was organized by the order of the most-wanted list, with Hussein as the ace of spades.

I had no idea going into this that there was so much to learn about what spades can symbolize for different people in all kinds of settings and situations. I truly feel that this topic was placed in my lap at this specific moment for a reason and it has genuinely helped me look at things differently and feel a sense of comfort amid my journey of self discovery.


“Ace of Spades Card: Why Is This Card so Important and Mysterious?” Lalo, 6 May 2023, Accessed 26 June 2024.

“Card Symbol (Spades, Hearts, Etc) Correlation to Orientation?” Asexual Visibility and Education Network, 2 Sept. 2015, Accessed 26 June 2024.

Gandhi, Lakshmi. “Is It Racist to “Call a Spade a Spade”?” NPR, 23 Sept. 2013,

Official, VIP Spades. “Spade Symbol: Origins, Meanings, and Theories.” VIP Spades, 3 Oct. 2023, Accessed 26 June 2024.

PPH, Kyra. “The Ace of Spades Is Called the Death Card.” Borgata Online, 2 Dec. 2022, Accessed 26 June 2024.

Prentice, Peter. “Symbols and Suits: A History of the Spade - Honi Soit.” Honi Soit, 22 Oct. 2019, Accessed 26 June 2024.

Rowan, Ethan, and Sophia Martin. “The Spiritual Meaning of the Ace of Spades: Unlocking Its Symbolism and Significance.” Tucson Spiritual Direction, 4 Dec. 2023, Accessed 26 June 2024.

“Unveiling the Deeper Spiritual Meaning of the Spade Symbol: A Guide to Discovering

Its Significance.” Tucson Spiritual Direction, 5 Dec. 2023, Accessed 26 June 2024.

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