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  • Writer's pictureNicole Oneto

Signs: Ladybugs

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I’ve been seeing a lot of ladybug art on my Instagram feed recently, so I thought it would be fun to look into what ladybugs represent symbolically and spiritually.  Ladybugs hold several symbolic meanings, and their meanings can vary depending on what color ladybug you encounter and how you encounter them.  

Much of the meaning associated with ladybugs today comes from the history of farming.  Ladybugs are predators of small pests that can disturb and destroy crops.  This is why the appearance of ladybugs can signify protection and abundance.  The ladybugs protect the crops from harm and help to provide an abundant crop and plenty of food to eat.

Like butterflies, ladybugs go through a complete cycle of metamorphosis before becoming what we typically recognize them as.  Because of this, they can represent cycles of death and rebirth, resilience, and adaptability.  They can serve as a reminder that undergoing a significant change can be one of the most important and beneficial processes in your life in order to transform you into who you are meant to be.

Ladybugs can also be signs of good luck and blessings to come.  Some people believe that the number of black spots on a ladybug’s back can signify the magnitude of the blessings ahead.

The color of the ladybug you encounter can also change the meaning of its message.

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It is believed that classic red ladybugs are more powerful than others, meaning that more luck and greater blessings are heading your way.  Red is a bright, bold, and fiery color, so red ladybugs can signify passion, love, and warmth, as well as personal power and freedom.  Red is also associated with the root chakra, which is connected to safety and groundedness, going hand-in-hand with the connection between ladybugs and protection.

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Yellow is a bright and sunny color, so yellow ladybugs are associated with happiness, optimism, positivity, and joy.  Yellow is the color that represents the solar plexus chakra, which is connected to energy, light, and willpower.  A yellow ladybug could be a reminder to look at life through a bright and optimistic lens, even when circumstances may feel dark.

This is my own photo of an orange ladybug that I took in 2021.

Orange ladybugs are linked to change, transformation, and new beginnings.  They are also thought to have a special connection to the spirit realm.  Orange is the color of the sacral chakra, which is all about sexuality, creativity, and intuition.  This can be a sign to tap into your inner knowing and use your creative abilities to make changes in your life and begin a new chapter.

The way in which you encounter a ladybug matters as well.  They are not only able to communicate their messages to you while alive, but finding dead ladybugs can be meaningful as well.  If you come across a dead ladybug, this can signify rebirth and change coming soon.  Death is not inherently negative; the reality of living in this world is all about cycles of death and rebirth.  When one phase, cycle, or being ends, another begins, and the cycle begins all over again.  Do not lose hope at the end of a cycle; it is an indication of a new beginning to follow.  Do not cling to the past, and instead, forgive yourself and prepare to take steps in a new direction.  

Additionally, seeing ladybugs in your dreams can be a call to come home to your true self.  This could mean connecting with your inner child, giving them the protection and healing they need, or tapping into your intuition.  Dreaming of ladybugs can be a reminder not to get wrapped up in what the outside world is doing or trying to fit in with other people and instead to listen to what your soul truly wants and needs in order to live out your unique purpose.

As always, these are simply the most common and popular themes associated with ladybugs, not an exhaustive list of what an encounter with them could mean.  If you find yourself faced with a ladybug, dead or alive, in your dreams or in the real world, the best thing to do is to get quiet, ask the ladybug what their message is for you, and listen well.  You may hear a voice, or just a feeling that can convey their message to you.  Keep eyes and mind open to any messages these beautiful creatures may be trying to share with you!


Hub), Olu Sheyi-Ojo (Frenz. “Ladybug Meaning: Uncovering Symbolism and Spiritual Significance.” Glow Diaries, 28 Feb. 2024, Accessed 30 July 2024.

Jain, Ram. “Solar Plexus Chakra: Healing Powers of the Manipura Chakra.” Arhanta Yoga, 3 Sept. 2020, Accessed 30 July 2024.

---. “Svadhishthana - Sacral Chakra: All You Need to Know | Arhanta Blog.” Arhanta Yoga Ashram, 26 Aug. 2020,

Regan, Sarah. “What It Really Means If You Keep Seeing Ladybugs Everywhere You Go.” Mindbodygreen, 22 Mar. 2022,

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