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  • Writer's pictureNicole Oneto

Signs: 8 Ball

Updated: Jul 30

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It seems like I’ve been seeing 8 ball symbols everywhere recently so I knew it was time for another installment of the Signs series.  This was one, like when I researched hummingbirds, that was a little harder to find information on, but I did learn some pretty interesting things to share. 

The 8 ball, of course, originates from the game of billiards, which has been played for hundreds of years.  The 8 ball plays a special role in this game because it is the deciding factor of the outcome of the game.  Even if your opponent has sunk all of the other balls in their set, they haven’t won until they properly sink the 8 ball.

The connotation of the 8 ball symbol is also closely tied to the Magic 8 Ball product.  What we know today as a toy was originally intended to be a fortune-telling device that could be used by anyone seeking spiritual direction, anywhere.  This product is designed with intentional elements of magic and mysticism; the way the answers slowly become visible and the language used in the answers are some examples.  However, the inner workings of this product must remain unknown for the sense of ethereal guidance to continue.  Even so, this item can be helpful when seeking guidance by helping to validate our intuition about certain decisions or desires.  In this way, the power is handed back to the user, making the 8 ball more of a tool and less of an omnipotent ruler that one must follow.  The item and the user work jointly to make decisions and create a plan of action.

From both of these important uses and understandings of the 8 ball come many symbolic meanings that we can notice and contextualize in our own lives.  Connotations of luck, success and prosperity, risk and chance, and duality come from the 8 ball’s origins in billiards.  While billiards is a game that requires a certain level of skill, luck is still a major factor in the way the game is played and won.  One can play to their best ability, but there is always an element of risk and chance, as the balls may not move and sink the way they were intended to, or the other player may make unanticipated moves.  As mentioned above, even if one player is far ahead in the game, that person cannot win unless they properly sink the 8 ball.  This can leave plenty of opportunity for the opponent to take the lead and ultimately, the win.  This is partially why the 8 ball can be a symbol of duality, because what indicates success and prosperity for one player, is a symbol of loss and failure for the other.  In addition, the physical form and appearance of the 8 ball itself can represent the concept of duality due to its unique combination of light and dark.  This ball appears much differently than the other billiards balls as it lacks the bright colors the other possess.  It is also reminiscent of the yin and yang symbol, which represents the balance and duality of life’s energies, light and dark, masculine and feminine, good and evil.

In connection to the Magic 8 Ball, connotations can also include fate and destiny, and divination, which is the practice of looking to the supernatural for direction or a peek into the future.  Some people do believe that the 8 ball can be used for fortune telling or guidance on important life questions.  This also ties the 8 ball to associations with fate and destiny if one believes that the responses an 8 Ball provides are hard-set and infallible.  

Billiards and the Magic 8 Ball also share some connection to symbolic associations such as hope, planning, foresight, and vision, and overcoming challenges and difficulties.  Just as the 8 Ball can bring hope to someone using it for guidance and direction, it can also bring a sense of hope to the underdog in a game of billiards, as that final ball can provide some protection for this player.  Also, though luck is a major factor in billiards, skill, talent, and a plan are very important to success in the game.  Having a sense of foresight or vision is key to playing and winning the game because a player must call their shots before taking them and must sink them as stated.  Additionally, the 8 ball can be used to create a plan and a path ahead through divination practices.  Lastly, an 8 ball can be used as a tool to overcome challenges and tough questions in life and in billiards.  Again, if the underdog in a game can catch up before their opponent is able to properly sink the 8 ball, they are able to overcome their odds in a given game.  

For these reasons, the 8 ball symbol carries quite a bit of meaning to many different types of people in various settings and situations.  Next time you see the 8 ball symbol in your life, get quiet and listen to what it might be trying to tell you.  Maybe consult a real 8 ball on some questions you may have rolling around in your brain.  It might just lead you somewhere you never thought you would find yourself otherwise.


Chris. “Meaning and Symbolism of 8 Ball.” Symbolism and Metaphor, 5 Jan. 2023,

Hu, Jenny. “Lessons from a Magic 8-Ball about Objects That “Know.”” Medium, 27 Mar. 2019,

Ng, Jenny. “Unveiling the 8 Ball Tattoo Meaning: Balance, Courage, and Luck Revealed - Tatticle.” Tatticle, 11 May 2024, Accessed 15 July 2024.

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