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  • Writer's pictureNicole Oneto

Mid-August Life Update

Last week was a really great week with lots of things to talk about! I started my week by trying to recover as quickly as possible from being sick on Sunday, which took a couple of days. I was just worried because I needed to be ready to start my first day of work at my new job on Wednesday, but it all worked out perfectly. I worked three days at my new job last week, and it has been so wonderful so far. I’ve met just about everybody and have learned so much already. I was feeling a bit intimidated and overwhelmed because there is so much to learn, but it’s all so interesting and important that learning it doesn’t feel like a terrible chore. I also got to see and be a part of our work with the public (I work at an organization that distributes food to people in need) and that was my favorite part. On Friday I worked really hard physically during our distribution window, but that was my favorite time I’ve had there so far. I’ve met so many very nice people, and it’s such a great feeling when it’s clear that what you’re doing really matters.

This is me in the bathroom at my new job on my second day.

I’ve also been inspired recently to try my hand at my own vegetable garden. We’ve grown vegetables as a family before, and my mom has her own flower garden that she manages, but I want to see what I can do on my own now. I had some seeds already, but I’ve ordered a few more, so I’m planning to grow broccoli, carrots, spinach, cucumber, stevia, zucchini, tomatoes, snap peas, green onions, and lettuce, which I know is a lot for a first-timer, but I’m kind of just throwing things at the wall and seeing what sticks. I want to start them from seeds, so I bought a seed starting tray and soil, and once the rest of my seeds come in, I’ll start them all together. I’m also working on clearing space outside for when my plants are ready to be transferred out there. I have a lot planned for the way I will share my gardening journey here on the site, so I’m excited to share along the way.

Here is the tiny bit of progress I have made so far in my garden space.

As far as my goals for nutrition and fitness, things are really starting to head in the right direction. Last week I made some salmon that I was able to use for breakfasts with avocado toast and that was absolutely delicious. I also had some food that I bought from my coworker, so it was a little less organized than I am this week, but I thought it worked out pretty well. This week I have an egg scramble with vegetables and ground beef, and turkey and egg sandwiches on the menu. This morning (Monday) I cooked up all my ground beef with taco seasoning for the week, and I made a couple of servings of egg scramble so I can easily grab it and put it together for some of my early work days. I wasn’t sure how it was going to turn out, but I had some for breakfast today and it was sooooo delicious so I’m excited about that. I’m looking forward to my turkey and egg sandwiches because I’ve never done that before, but I have a vision and I think it’ll be really good. I think I said this last week too, but I find that eating well AND going to the gym consistently at the same time is a struggle, but I’m feeling really inspired and motivated. I used to follow Alex Edwards on TikTok a while back, but then when I fell out of fitness, I ended up unfollowing her main account, just leaving me with her spam account that posts less frequently and is less about bodybuilding. I, of course, have no aspirations of being a bodybuilder like she is, but I find her so inspiring and motivating for me, so I started following her main account again and I genuinely think that she does and will continue to serve as a propeller for me in my fitness journey. I went yesterday to hit legs, and it was the best workout I’ve had in a long time. I felt so relaxed because of how empty it was on a Sunday, so now I’ve decided that I will definitely be going on the weekends, even though it’s another trip into town for me because it is SO worth it. Today will be a cardio day and I’m just feeling really excited to build the routine and show myself that what I did once, I can do again and I can take care of my body and be fit. And I’m going to be fitter than ever; watch this.

This is going to have to be a new go-to breakfast for me. The salmon is really easy to cook and is DELICIOUS with avocado toast.

Yesterday we also had a party for my grandpa, who turned 89. He and my grandma live in a memory care facility here in town, but they used to live in a facility up in Roseville. It is so great to have them here where we can celebrate big things like this without taking time off of work and making a big trek, as well as seeing them regularly, which we were not able to do before. The care staff at the facility did a spectacular job decorating the party room for us. My mom picked up Panera for everybody, and we had a beautiful cake to share with the rest of the residents and staff. There were just a few of us gathered together, and we got my uncles on the phone too. It was such a great little celebration and my grandpa seemed very pleased with what we had put together for him. It was a beautiful thing to be a part of. :)

Since this was such a big and heavy cake, there was a bit of a mishap when it was getting set down on the table, but of course it tasted great anyway.

Last night I also picked up cross-stitching again. It was a craft I had done a little bit with about ten years ago, but I haven’t done it in a long while. I’m not exactly sure what sparked my interest in it again, but I’m sure I saw something interesting somewhere on social media. I was only able to squeeze in a few stitches last night before bed, but I’m really excited to see it start to come together. I’m just starting with something simple for now, but I have some big plans for a couple of upcoming birthdays. ;)

Well, I think that’s all for now. I’ll be back next week with more!

Love always <3


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