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  • Writer's pictureNicole Oneto

Life Update Life Update Life Update

It's time again for another life update. I don’t think I have as much to report on as I have in the last few weeks, but who knows what I’ll think of to talk about by the end of this?

Today is Sunday and I’m tired even though I slept for 14 hours. I haven’t had any caffeine today either, so my head kind of hurts from the withdrawals. I just don’t have much motivation today; I feel sluggish and lazy. If it wasn’t a million degrees outside and I didn’t have to stay downstairs to conserve energy until later in the afternoon, I’d be up in my bed resting, if not sleeping even more. I got up and showered because I hadn’t in two days, and I cooked some eggs and toast, and I did some reading too. So it hasn’t been a completely unproductive day. I’ve been thinking about going into town to sit in someone else’s air conditioning, get a fun drink, and write this, but even going out into the heat to get to the car, driving 25 minutes to get somewhere, and then getting out into the heat again sounds exhausting, not to mention doing the actual writing. There is also something in town that would be great for me to be able to get, but it really could wait until tomorrow. It’s just not worth it to go out.

I had been wanting to do some crafting this week, and I did do a tiny bit, but not as much as I had hoped. I follow @gabsarooatyahoo on TikTok. She is incredibly crafty and she recently started the Community Crafternoon Club, in which every month she introduces a new craft for participants to try, including a tutorial. She encourages people to try these crafts, add their own flair, and share their creations with the community. I didn’t get around to doing last month’s craft, fruit sewn with felt, which is one of my favorite crafts to do. I still feel guilty for not doing it. This month’s craft is air-dry clay magnets. I don’t have any air-dry clay right now, but I do have polymer clay that I never got around to doing much with, so I thought it would be a decent replacement. There were two major obstacles that got in my way this week when I wanted to make something with it. One is that since it’s so hot outside, we’ve been trying not to use the oven for our meals because it just causes more heat in the house. This is an issue because polymer clay has to be baked in order for it to dry. Hypothetically, I might be able to make whatever I want to make and let it sit for a few days until it’s cooler outside, but I’m not sure how that would affect the clay. I’m really not very knowledgeable about how it works. The other thing is that I’m honestly intimidated by it. I’m worried that it’s too technical for me and I won’t be able to create what I envision and I’ll just get too frustrated for it to be a fun activity. I also know I’ll probably have more fun than I’m letting myself anticipate and when I do get to do it, I’ll wonder why I didn’t just go for it sooner. Once the weather cools down a tiny bit and I’m allowed to use the oven again, I’ll give it a shot and come back to report how it went.

Even though I didn’t get to do anything with the polymer clay, I did make a few bracelets because that also sounded fun and it’s a lot easier for me to do in terms of getting through mental blocks. I’m pretty proud of what I came up with. I don’t love the purple one with the butterflies, but someone else might. There’s a loose idea of my mom and I having a booth at a craft fair this fall, so I’ve set that bracelet aside for that. The two that are pictured together are for me and I’m pretty happy with how they turned out. I’m trying to wear more bracelets with my outfits, so it’s fun to be able to make them myself. I’m most proud of the blue, green, and orange one. I originally made it for myself and I was so proud of the way I designed it. I realized that the colors in it are colors that my sister wears a lot so I gave it to her and she really likes it. I won’t lie, it was hard for me to give away, and I almost hoped that she wouldn’t want it, but now I’m really happy that it’s hers. My goal recently has been to make as much as I can with the beads I already have, since I have almost three organizers worth of beads. This is a good practice for me since I’m trying to reduce my spending since I made such a big purchase for the course with Emma Robles (which started Monday, so I’m excited to talk about it in the next update!), and it’s a good way to challenge my creativity by seeing the supplies I already have in different ways.

Also, if my menstrual cycle were to be on track, I would have started my period Saturday, but it’s not so I didn’t. I don’t think it’s that far off, though. I’ve been having more headaches and I actually had some little cramps a couple of days ago. If not the end of this week, I think it might come next week, which is still progress. It’s kind of fun to watch the gap close as my cycle gets closer and closer to regularity. I promise I’ll put it in the news ticker as soon as I start. :)

Well, this did turn out to be longer than I expected. Good for me lol. New Signs post coming out this Thursday, so stay tuned. See you then!

Love always <3



I can't believe I forgot to give an update about my stomach! I have been doing so much better! I got the fiery, terrible, full, uncomfortable feeling to go away! I'm still struggling with diarrhea, which is fairly standard for me since I think I may have IBS-M, but maybe I can address that with ayurvedic practices too! I just have to keep learning and making the best decisions I can for my body. :) Okay bye.

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