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  • Writer's pictureNicole Oneto

A Low-Energy Life Update On What Was Actually A Pretty Great Week

I feel like I don’t even remember what happened last week. It is Monday morning as I am writing this, and yesterday I was sick in bed all day. I woke up around eight o’clock in the morning with nausea and I ended up throwing up three times. It was not a good time at all. At first, I thought it only had to do with my big Sour Patch Watermelon binge from the night before, but then I remembered I had had some crazy stomach problems all week, so it was probably all connected. All I ate yesterday was two graham crackers and so far all I’ve been able to eat today is half of a banana. I was able to come to work today, but I’m pretty tired and my stomach certainly is not at 100%.

Speaking of food and such, though, I did a pretty good job with my eating last week. I prepped some chicken breasts with rice and vegetables for my lunches, and I did a pretty good job with breakfasts too. I wasn’t in the gym as much as I would have liked last week. I find that it feels pretty doable to either eat healthy or be in the gym, but it’s much harder to do both at the same time. I won’t be going today either since I’m trying to nurse my stomach back to health. Hopefully tomorrow I can at least go walk or something.

I did actually go to the gym a couple of times and I had a small crisis because of it. When I was in the locker room, changing into my gym clothes, I noticed something fall on the floor. Because of the work I do, I get little things stuck to me sometimes, so I didn’t think anything of it. I just put my clothes on and headed upstairs to walk on the treadmill. I did 55 minutes on the treadmill, went home, and had dinner all before realizing that the thing that had fallen was the top part of my belly button ring. I ended up wrapping a tiny hair elastic around the top of the bar to keep it from coming out. I wore that all day at work the next day until I was able to stop at a local piercing shop that my best friends recommended. I was there much longer than I had anticipated because they had a hard time finding a top piece that would fit the ring I already have, and we couldn't replace the whole thing because they didn't have the right rings there. Luckily, we were able to figure something out and I have a new purple piece that I think is really cute!

I went on a date Thursday evening with a guy that I honestly didn’t think it was going to work out with, but I ended up having sooo much fun and I really like him. So far he seems like a safe, comfortable, non-judgemental person, which I really appreciate. Then the next day he made enchiladas and brought them to work for me so I could have them for lunch. He drove around while I ate and we talked, and the food was so delicious. I told him we have to take things slow because it’s been a while since I was in a relationship, but I’ve gone too fast before and it’s really not good for anyone. I really do hope things work out because he seems like a really great guy (but I’ve said that before).

This past Saturday I went to the movies with AP and saw Trap. We both thought it was a good movie. I was worried that I wasn’t going to have a good review to give because I felt that the first half of the movie was pretty repetitive and awkward. If you hang in there and trust the process, though, it gets much more interesting and intense. Overall we liked it a lot and would be interested in seeing it again so we can rewatch some of the things we brought up in our debrief afterward.

I also signed up to write notecards to incoming freshmen at my alma mater. I signed up to write 20, but they sent me 19 and I had fun writing them. I thought it was a really great program to be a part of because I think it would have been cool if we had had something similar when I was going into college. There was even someone on the list from my area, which I thought was cool. I thought I had some pretty good advice, if I do say so myself. I gave three big pieces of advice, other than that they should all go see a volleyball game at some point. I said that they would really benefit from getting involved with the school's Associated Students, as they are home to the student government, host tons of fun events, run the food pantry, and so much more. They should definitely take advantage of the campus wellness center because it has a huge gym with something for everybody, as well as health and counseling services. And the third point was the most important of all: DON'T BE AFRAID TO ASK FOR HELP! I wish I had felt like I could have asked for more help because I think I would have been much more successful and less miserable in the second half of my time there. I hope they find my tips helpful!

Anyway, the really big news from last week is that I had two interviews for a new part-time job. I had a preliminary phone interview Monday morning and I was able to move on to the in-person interview on Wednesday morning. I felt that it went extremely well and they liked me a lot, but I was worried I wasn’t going to get it because I’m not bilingual. I spoke to them Friday afternoon and they offered me the job!! I accepted and I start this Wednesday! I’m very excited and I think it’s going to be a really good place for me to be. I’ll make sure to give updates on my first week in the next life update!

I’m still not feeling super great, so I think I’m going to end this here. Hopefully, I’m feeling good again before Wednesday for my first day at my new job. Fingers crossed!

Love always <3


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