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  • Writer's pictureNicole Oneto

A Groggy Life Update

Here's me, feeling cute at work this week.

I'm writing this on Sunday evening, and my head doesn't feel right. I knocked out around 10pm two nights ago and didn't take my medicine before going to bed. Last night, I was up until 12, and I needed to refill my medicine holder for the week, but I was feeling lazy, so I fell asleep without taking it again. I took my medicine at 9am this morning to try to keep my brain from feeling too weird, but I still messed up my schedule, so I couldn't avoid feeling weird altogether.

This week was a busy week, but a good one. I already gave the whole lowdown on my beach trip last weekend, so I'll pick back up on Tuesday. I picked up the things that I ordered from Lowe's and tried to install my little fence in my garden, but it didn't work, so I'm trying to figure out what to try next. I'm still at the point when I just have to hope that my seeds are doing well, but I have not been consistent in taking care of them so far, so I can't have high hopes for them right now.

Thursday after work, I met up with AP and AJ since AJ was in town for a couple of days, and we had big plans. For about a year, we had been talking about getting coordinated tattoos together. It took us a while to figure out what we wanted to get that symbolized the three of us, but we ended up deciding that one of us would get a sun, another a star, and me the moon. There was another time when we almost did it, but there was a change in plans, so we had to postpone it to a later date. We were finally able to pick what we wanted to get and where to put it, so we made an appointment with AP's artist. It took us about an hour and a half to get there and we had a great time talking and laughing on the way. We continued to talk and laugh and have a good time in the tattoo shop too. For my piece, I decided to get a hawk with a moon next to it because I love hawks, and the design I ended up choosing had a moon in it already, anyway. I actually got rid of a lot of the elements in the design to simplify it and look more like something I would like to have on my body forever. I had the artist place the stencil for my tattoo four times, if I remember correctly, because I thought I wanted it higher on my arm, but I realized I wanted it down closer to the crease of my elbow. I have some regrets about my tattoo, if I'm being completely honest. I wish I had specifically told the artist that I paid for the rights to the photo that I brought in, so I wanted it exactly how it looked in the image because it came out differently than what I had brought in. There are a lot of things I like about it, and I certainly wouldn't say I hate or regret the tattoo overall, but there are some things about it that I wish were different. For example, the tail, the foot, and the wood the hawk is sitting on are all gorgeous and perfect, but the wing looks messy to me, the head isn't the right shape, and the eye is wrong. In general, it's not a bad tattoo; it's just not what I had pictured. I'm thinking I might be able to go somewhere to have someone make some minor changes to try to make it look more like what I was hoping for, but it's not urgent.

Here's the tattoo right after I got it, and the junk journal spread I made with business cards from the tattoo shop, plus the backing from a sticker I got at work about staying hydrated.

This morning, we had a birthday party for my grandma, who is turning 88 on Monday. We set it up almost exactly the same as we did for my grandpa's birthday just a few weeks ago. My immediate family and my aunt and uncle, who live in town, all met up at the memory care facility where my grandparents live around 11:30am. My mom picked up Panera for everyone and got a cake from Costco. The staff at the facility decorated the room we had lunch in with gorgeous decorations, just like last time. They have done a really great job at making these little parties special. We all ate our food, and then we called my other two uncles who don't live nearby, and we all sang Happy Birthday together. We served up some cake, and we got a cake big enough that the other residents would be able to have some later, too. My grandma had a couple of cards to open, which I think was fun for her to do. She did a great job today. She doesn't speak very well anymore, and she couldn't remember her name or how old she was, but she was able to pretty clearly get the words out to keep asking, which is a good thing.

A couple of shots from the party

This week, I fell off the nutrition and movement regimen, but it's okay. I'll be able to go grocery shopping on Monday after work, and I'll set myself up for the rest of the week. I learned last week that I really enjoy the tuna that comes in the individual packets. I had a lemon pepper one that was so delicious and a hickory smoked one that was also very good. I also learned that I like Laiki rice crackers, so when I go grocery shopping, I'm going to keep an eye out for those two things because they make lunches very quick and easy; plus, tuna is a good source of protein. I would love to get back into the gym this week, but I'm not really supposed to do much with my new tattoo. I took the Saniderm off a little early because I was worried about how my arm was feeling and thought that was the issue, so I'm able to clean it after getting sweaty. I might just go walk at the beginning of the week and start lifting again later in the week. I also desperately need to sit down and write, so I have to balance my plans and make sure that happens as well.

Anyway, another good week down, and hopefully, another good week to come. Until next Tuesday...

Love always <3


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